
vs Cooked

When food is cooked or processed, it no longer contains living enzymes. Living enzymes are the protein found in raw foods which help the body function restore, repair & maintain health.Foods without living enzymes put stress on the pancreas to produce the necessary proteins to function

BARF By DR.TAN keeps the living enzymes, along with phyto chemicals, unprocessed amino acids & antioxidants. In turn, providing your with these elements helps to enchance their long term health to ensure a long and healthy life span


Pets were in existence long before human created processed pet food and processed food was invented for the convenience of man, not for the benefit of your pet!


Humans are actually the only species to cook their food, cooking breaks down 70% of the nutritional value like proteins & amino acids in raw meat. While your loving pets may be like family, that doesn’t mean they should eat like we do!

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